
Cheer the fat man

Cheer the fat man

When I see a fat man struggling with all his might to climb a hill on a bike, an overweight woman beet red in the face as she jogs in obvious pain on a hot day, or a fat couple willing to be seen in a gym full of young hard bodies, I don’t sneer. I feel nothing but empathy. I cheer them on. Because not long ago, I was that guy.

We can all be better. Instead of showing scorn to the fat man or woman, cheer them on. Show them support. If they can do it, we all can.

It's not the salad. It's the dressing.

It's not the salad. It's the dressing.

Who doesn't love a good salad? The word is easily associated with "healthy" and for good reason. A salad can be anything you want: sweet, savory, a wonderful combination of what's in season, what's available and whatever you love. But if you take a look at many salads offered at restaurants, they often pack more calories and fat than you can imagine. The culprit: the salad dressing.